Bydd Sioe Awyr Cymru, a drefnir gan Gyngor Abertawe, yn dychwelyd ar 4 ac 5 Gorffennaf 2020. Bydd perfformiadau erobatig trawiadol ac awyrennau hen a chyfoes unwaith eto’n gwefreiddio cannoedd ar filoedd o ymwelwyr yn yr awyr uwchben Abertawe dros yr haf. Bydd mwy o wybodaeth yn dilyn.
Amazing weekend for 2019 Wales Airshow

SWANSEA Bay’s Wales Airshow enjoyed another brilliant year with hundreds of thousands of people descending on the city to enjoy the country’s biggest free show.
Two days of air displays featuring The Red Arrows, the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and the first ever ‘After Dark’ element to the airshow added a new feature for visitors from all over the UK.
Huge crowds turned up to enjoy a whole range of displays and activities on the ground as well as in the air to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of Swansea’s city status.

Robert Francis-Davies, Cabinet Member for Innovation, Regeneration and Tourism, said: “It was yet another fantastic weekend for Swansea. On the 50th anniversary of Swansea being named a city, the After Dark event proved to be a huge success.
“Hot air balloons, the Tigers parachute display team, the Fireflies aerobatic display team topped-off by an amazing fireworks display made for a real party atmosphere.

“The Airshow contributes millions of pounds to local businesses and the local economy every year. We’d like to thank local businesses and residents for their patience with the road closures and to all traders for their contribution to the show’s success year on year.”
For safety and security reasons this year’s airshow saw road closures on Oystermouth Road which started on the Friday, but this also meant that visitors had more safe space to enjoy increased ground displays including a rare appearance on the ground of a Spitfire.
Cllr Francis-Davies said: “The real stars of the show, apart from those in the skies, were the hundreds of thousands of people who came to enjoy a day out or a weekend in Swansea. The family atmosphere they helped generate resulted in one of the best weekends the city has seen.
“I also want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the tremendous effort put in by council staff, South Wales Police and by our other partners to make the event such a brilliant showcase. I’d also like to thank our sponsors who help to support the sustainability of the Show.
“We’re confident that the thousands of visitors who enjoyed themselves this year will return to Swansea Bay again soon. We are already looking forward to the rest of this year’s events calendar, giving more people even more reasons to visit.”
Two days of flying wowed the crowds with highlights coming from the Red Arrows, Eurofighter Typhoon, and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, while the first ever After Dark element to the airshow added a new attraction for visitors from all over the UK on Saturday night.

Across the weekend huge crowds turned up to enjoy a whole range of displays and activities on the ground as well as in the air to help celebrate one of the landmark events of the Swansea 50 celebrations.

Swansea Council cabinet member for innovation, regeneration and tourism Robert Francis-Davies said: “The real stars of the show, apart from those in the skies, were the hundreds of thousands of people who came to enjoy a day out or a weekend in Swansea. The family atmosphere they helped generate resulted in one of the best weekends the city has seen.”
Three more aircrafts added to the Wales Airshow line-up

A military helicopter more used to the challenges of the Arctic and the deserts of Afghanistan will be performing in the skies over Swansea as part of this summer’s Wales Airshow.
The unmistakable Chinook helicopter, workhorse of armies, air forces and navies around the world, will be putting in an appearance on both days of the free event on July 6 and 7.

With a maximum speed of 160 knots and a maximum altitude of 15,000 feet, the 30-metre long Chinook can be operated in the Arctic, jungle or desert. Its cockpit has a full night-time capability when operated with night-vision goggles, allowing low-level night operations in hostile environments.
The Chinook has been on active service in military and humanitarian operations with the RAF since the 1980s. It saw action in the Falklands War, in Kosovo and in the two Gulf Wars and can carry up to 55 fully-laden soldiers.

Along with the Chinook will be the RAF Tucano, a fast jet training to RAF and RN aircrew on their training pathway to frontline fast jet aircraft. It has a length of 32ft with a wingspan of 37ft and combines the economy of turboprop power with jet-like handling.
The Tutor will also be taking to the sky of Swansea over the 2 days. Used for Elementary Flying Training by all 3 of the Armed Services, the Tutor provides flying instruction to University students and air experience flying to members of the Air Cadet organisation.

Robert Francis-Davies, Cabinet Member for Culture, Tourism and Major Projects, said: “This is one of our flagship events in the annual event calendar and it’s the best free event of its kind in Wales, which draws in many thousands of spectators from across South Wales and beyond, thanks to the combination of world class aerobatic displays, vintage aircraft and ground-based entertainment.
“As well as generating a bumper weekend of business for our traders, the Wales Airshow helps raise Swansea’s profile as city of high quality events. It’s one of many events and activities taking place this summer as part of our Enjoy Swansea programme of events and activities.”
The Red Arrows, the Typhoon display team, The Catalina, The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and The Blades have also been confirmed for the Wales Airshow.
There are some new displays never been seen at Wales Airshow before which are still yet to be announced! These will be fed into the Airshow App along with the timetable of displays a few days before the event.
The Wales Airshow App is available in Appstore and Google Play
2019 Ground Displays Finalised
The ground displays promise to be exciting once again this year for visitors to the Wales Airshow in Swansea next month
Coinciding with the 50th anniversary celebrations of Swansea’s city status and Armed Forces Day, the on the ground displays and activities will be offering a range of static and interactive experiences.

Thanks to the extra space being generated by the temporary closure of part of Oystermouth Road over the weekend, the footprint of the event has been increased and displays will include static examples of the Spitfire and Hurricane planes that will be showing off their skills as part of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight – which this year is being sponsored by Great Western Railway.
Cllr Robert Francis-Davies, Cabinet Member for Innovation, Regeneration and Tourism said: “The ground events are going to be great again this year and admission, as always, is free.
“Apart from being able to watch the Red Arrows reach for the sky, visitors will also have the chance to try out a Red Arrows simulator as well as a Typhoon
The visit of the ground-based Spitfire and Hurricane is a first for the Wales Airshow and they’ll be accompanied by experts ready to tell the wartime stories of these two iconic Battle of Britain-winning planes.
In addition to these attractions there will be a funfair at the Civic Centre west car park, military displays including a Replica Chinook and the Navy and Marines Virtual Reality Team. They’ll be giving visitors the chance to experience what it’s like to stand on an aircraft carrier as planes take off as well as an interactive boat-riding experience.
New for this year is also the RAF Police Military Working Dogs display which will take place twice a day on the beach area between The Secret Beach Bar & Kitchen (formerly the 360 café) and the old slip bridge.

On the Saturday, the Airshow couples up with Armed Forces Day which is the annual UK celebration of the debt of gratitude the country owes to the men and women of the Army, Navy and RAF who have served – and still serve – in combat zones around the world. The Armed forces ceremony will take place at the Cenotaph on Saturday July 6th from 10.30am
Cllr Francis-Davies said: “We’re expecting over 250,000 people to enjoy the Wales Airshow, with local businesses due to benefit from millions of pounds worth of extra spending.
said: “The city centre will be very much open for business as normal and it’s
proximity to the Airshow means that people can have the best of both worlds,
just a short stroll away. As with any
major event of this scale, there will be a large volume of visitors coming into
the city over the weekend. For safety reasons, there will diversions in place
and we would advise
travellers to allow extra time when
planning their journey.
Visit or to download the Airshow App or to find out more
information about road closures, diversions and event car parks and park and
ride services.
Cwmni awyrennau erobatig i ddisgleirio yn Sioe Awyr Cymru

Bydd unig gwmni awyrennau erobatig y byd yn gwefreiddio degau ar filoedd o bobl yn Abertawe eleni.
Bydd unig gwmni awyrennau erobatig y byd yn gwefreiddio degau ar filoedd o bobl yn Abertawe eleni.
Disgwylir i Dîm Erobatig The Blades ymddangos uwchben y ddinas yn Sioe Awyr Cymru, a gynhelir ddydd Sadwrn 6 Gorffennaf a dydd Sul 7 Gorffennaf.
Bydd Sioe Awyr Cymru, a drefnir gan Gyngor Abertawe, hefyd yn cyflwyno amrywiaeth o arddangosiadau awyr eraill gan gynnwys y Red Arrows, sy’n hynod boblogaidd. Eleni, fel rhan o ddathliadau pen-blwydd Abertawe’n 50 oed, cynhelir digwyddiad gyda’r hwyr nos Sadwrn o 8.30pm.
Meddai Robert Francis-Davies, Aelod y Cabinet dros Fuddsoddi, Adfywio a Thwristiaeth, “Mae The Blades yn atyniad prin – mae ganddo ganiatâd gan yr Awdurdod Hedfan Sifil i gludo teithwyr sy’n talu mewn ehediad clós.
“Mae’r cwmni’n cyflwyno arddangosiadau deinamig ar draws Ewrop ac rwy’n siŵr y bydd ei arddangosiad dros Fae Abertawe’n brofiad bythgofiadwy.
Bydd cyn-beilot Red Arrows yr Awyrlu Brenhinol, Mike Ling (Lingy), wrth y llyw yn nhîm The Blades, sydd wedi’i leoli yn Swydd Northampton, am y tro cyntaf erioed. Mae Mike Ling, peilot hwyaf ei wasanaeth yn Red Arrows yr Awyrlu Brenhinol, wedi cyfranogi yn Sioe Awyr Cymru ers sawl blwyddyn gyda’r Red Arrows ond eleni fydd y flwyddyn gyntaf yn y Sioe Awyr iddo berfformio fel rhan o dîm arddangos The Blades yn lle hynny.
Dywedodd Mike Ling, “Rwy’n hynod gyffrous i ddychwelyd i Abertawe ar gyfer Sioe Awyr Cymru ym mis Gorffennaf. Ben Murphy (Arweinydd The Blades) a finnau oedd Pâr Cydamserol y Red Arrows yn y digwyddiad agoriadol yn 2009 a mwynheais ddychwelyd i gwrdd â’r torfeydd enfawr ym Mae Abertawe fel sylwebydd y Red Arrows yn 2015, 2016 a 2017. Roedd hefyd yn wych i arddangos fel Red 3 gyda’r Red Arrows yn 2018 ond nawr gallaf arddangos fel Blade 3 yn 2019, gan gyfnewid fy awyren Hawk am fy Extra 300 i berfformio rhai arddangosiadau erobatig trawiadol fel aelod o unig gwmni awyrennau erobatig y byd.
“Mae amffitheatr naturiol y bae a’r traeth llawn gwylwyr yn gwneud Abertawe’n un o’r lleoliadau arddangos gorau y gallem ofyn amdano.”

Mae The Blades bellach yn ei 14eg tymor arddangos ac mae’r tîm yn perfformio’i arddangosiadau, a gydnabyddir yn rhyngwladol, ar gyfer pedair miliwn o wylwyr bob blwyddyn.
Yn enwog am ei sgiliau hedfan erobatig mewn ehediad clós, bydd The Blades yn dathlu carreg filltir hedfan eleni – 1,000 o arddangosiadau wedi’u gwneud.
Mae’n ymddangos perfformiad a gallu’r Extra 300, sydd ag un llafn gwthio, fel awyren campau erobatig.
Gan berfformio symudiadau erobatig lai na 4 metr oddi wrth ei gilydd a hedfan heibio i’w gilydd am oddeutu 350mya, mae’r tîm yn perfformio arddangosiadau cydamserol cyflym ynghyd â symudiadau erobatig geirosgopig eithafol.
Meddai’r Cyng. Francis-Davies, “Yn y flwyddyn pan fydd Abertawe’n dathlu ei hanner canmlwyddiant fel dinas, rydym am sicrhau y bydd y sioe awyr yn barhau i wireddu’i henw fel un o’n digwyddiadau blaenllaw.
“Mae’r digwyddiad yn tyfu’n fwy poblogaidd bob blwyddyn. Ynghyd ag arddangosiadau yn yr awyr, mae’r digwyddiad yn cynnwys adloniant a gweithgareddau ar y ddaear.”
“Mae Sioe Awyr Cymru’n un o brif ddigwyddiadau am ddim y DU a’i phrif ddiben yw bod yn drawiadol. Cadwch lygad ar y dudalen Facebook a’r wefan wrth i ragor o arddangosiadau gael eu cadarnhau dros yr wythnosau i ddod.”
Caiff ap Sioe Awyr Cymru, sydd ar gael yn yr Appstore a chan Google Play, ei ddiweddaru gyda gwybodaeth am yr holl arddangosiadau wrth iddynt gael eu cadarnhau dros yr wythnosau i ddod.
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